Season 2
“Trail of Dreams”
We are the dreams, and prayers of the ancestors. In this powerful first episode of Season Two, we are starting 2019 off with messages of resilience, prayer, and connection to all that is sacred. With visually stunning cinematography, and music medicine to the ears, your heart, mind, and spirit will be lifted, and inspired.
As we travel from one side of Earth to the other, we can see that indigenous people have a connection to spirit that is undeniable in the hearts of ALL people. From Hawane Rios of Hawai’i to The HU of Mongolia… indigenous people are sparking inspiration through music vibrations. In the Protection of all Sacred places, we pray. This episode Honors John Trudell… 2-15-46 to 12-8-15
Featured Artists: Hawane’ Rios ft. Nahko, Dan Kennedy ft. David Rose, Nakoa Heavy Runner, Supaman, The HU, Sihasin, The Pines Ft. John Trudell
and Quiltman
Tagged with: Native American Television, Nativeflix, Tribal, tribal music