Music Category

January 5, 2021

#i-nation on #clubhouse

January 09, 2021 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm MST on CLUBHOUSE APP January 09, 2021 3:00 pm MST to 11:00…

In Memory to #WakeSelf He will be missed, on Nov.5 2019 we lost him to a drink driver, he was only 28 years of age.
September 2, 2020


In Memory to #WakeSelf He will be missed, on Nov.5 2019 we lost him to a drink driver, he was only 28 years of age.

April 2, 2020

Year of Indigenous People

IT ALL BEGAN AT A FILM CONFERENCE We began to hear rumors of cancellations for film, and travel, March 19th…

March 20, 2020

We begin again

This story begins with all of us looking into the hourglass as time slowly moves by, like a slow moving…

March 8, 2020

VJ Pony’s mix

Video Disk Jockeys are a unique breed of characters, we sometimes believe the earth is a playground for eye candy…

February 20, 2020

Nativeflix & beyond the stream

We begin 202 with a story of how we begun with the Indigenous Music scene, it is an amazing journey…

February 7, 2020

Indigenous Decade 2020-30

In the Art of film, and Music begins by opening a new chapter of understanding Indigenous Film Industry, currently working…

January 10, 2020


Ntv Native Music Television is growing, and soaring like eagles with our artists creative honors, we are so grateful for…

December 18, 2019

Innastate of Roots

Congratulations brothers of Reggae, Ntv is proud to be part of the rise of Indigenous Music, 2020 is the Decade…

December 10, 2019

Native American Music Awards – NAMALIVE 19

Native American Music NAMA Nammys Music Awards Commemorating National Native American Heritage Month, the 19th Annual Native American Music Awards…